1. Publisher Information
The website Daddicted (accessible at: www.daddicted.com) is a blog dedicated to parenting, operated by Nicolas Rousse, under the status of a sole proprietorship.
- Publisher: Nicolas Rousse
- Legal Status: Sole Proprietorship (Micro-entreprise)
- SIREN: 531 497 303
- Registered Address: 679 chemin de Saint Jean des Causses, 81140 Castelnau-de-Montmiral, France
- Publishing Director: Nicolas Rousse
- Contact: daddicted.com/en/contact/
2. Hosting Provider
The website Daddicted is hosted by OVH.
- Hosting Provider: OVH
- Address: 2 rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1, France
- Legal Status: SAS with a capital of €10,174,560
- RCS Lille Métropole: 424 761 419 00045
- APE Code: 2620Z
- VAT Number: FR22424761419
- SIREN: 424 761 419
3. Intellectual Property
All content published on Daddicted is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. This means that content may be reused under the following conditions:
- For online reproduction, a direct link to the original source must be included.
- For reproduction in print, television, radio, podcasts, or other media, the credit “Source: Daddicted – www.daddicted.com/en/“ must be clearly stated.
- Any commercial use requires prior authorization.
The Daddicted brand has not yet been officially registered. Until it is, any commercial use of this name without explicit authorization is prohibited.
4. Data Collection & Privacy Policy
4.1 Data Collection and Processing
Currently, Daddicted does not collect personal data directly (no user accounts, no newsletter subscriptions). However, Google Analytics is used for audience measurement.
The data collected via Google Analytics is anonymized and used solely for statistical purposes. No data is sold or exploited for advertising purposes.
In the future, advertising networks may be implemented, which could involve the collection of certain user data. This legal notice will be updated accordingly to reflect any changes in data collection and usage.
4.2 Cookies and Tracking
The site uses essential cookies for functionality and Google Analytics for audience measurement.
A Consent Management Platform (CMP) will soon be implemented. In the meantime, by continuing to browse Daddicted, users agree to the use of cookies for audience measurement.
For any request regarding data privacy, please use this contact form: daddicted.com/contact/
5. User Comments & Moderation
Comments posted on Daddicted are subject to moderation. The editorial team reserves the right to remove any comment deemed illegal, inappropriate, or harmful to third parties.
6. Limitation of Liability
The publisher of Daddicted strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, no guarantees can be made regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the content.
The publisher cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the site, its inaccessibility, or any external links leading to third-party websites.
7. Governing Law & Jurisdiction
This website is governed by French Law. In case of dispute, the competent court shall be the Court of Toulouse.
These legal notices may be updated in accordance with changes to the website and applicable regulations.